
A Virtual Museum of Historically Important Engines


A number of major milestones mark the evolutionary path from the earliest steam engines described by Hero of Alexander around the time of Christ to the ubiquitous engines of today. Concentrating on these milestones, we hope to provide an interesting and informative resource for learning about the technology and history of engines and their contribution to today’s technology and society.


This will be a virtual museum with photos and movies of actual and miniature engines in operation, along with animations and verbal descriptions of the engines. We will include historical context, design, construction, operation, underlying technologies, applications, and implications, along with numerous links to related resources.


We’d like to appeal to an audience with a wide range of interests and viewpoints: beginning amateur to seasoned professional, young to young at heart, artisan to theoretician.


This is an amateur, part-time, non-commercial endeavor. We invite those of you who have happened early upon this site to let us know what you think it ideally can become, and to contribute your ideas.


webmaster @ enginevolution.com